CB Special: Podcasts
May 22, 2020
By Jacquelin Huang
With more pockets of extra time during this circuit breaker, you might have been looking for something to fill them with. Podcasts happen to be the perfect thing if you're always on the move! They are so versatile and convenient, you can listen to them while you're driving, waiting for the bus, going for a jog, cooking in the kitchen and when you run out of things to watch on Netflix this circuit breaker! Also, most of them are free. There are so many podcasts out there to choose from to suit every interest and individual. In fact many celebrities, writers and other professionals are now venturing into this up and coming form of entertainment. Where do I begin? Here are our top picks!
Finance, economics and business
Credit: Adeolu Eletu
For those interested in becoming more well versed in financial planning or simply want to understand the economy better, check out the Planet Money and Freakonomics podcast. These podcasts are beginner friendly, and most importantly - so engaging. For the aspiring entrepreneur, get inspired by listening to How I Built This by Guy Raz, where each episodes features a special guest who tells their story, including the founders of wildly successful brands like Airbnb and Patagonia. For the hustling businesswomen out there, you can definitely relate to and learn from the stories on Great Women of Business about their struggles and successes as a businesswoman. Thanks Munyi, Shaun and Kat for your recommendations on our instagram!
Current Affairs
As we remain confined in our homes during this Circuit Breaker, it's so important to stay up to date with every that is happening! Keep up with current affairs by listening to The Daily by NY Times, the Economist, or the BBC Global News Podcast for a round up of curated world news. You can also listen to The Ben Shapiro Show to the his professional commentary on the latest politics and news.
Crime and Mystery
Credit: Joel In't Veld
Who doesn't love a good mystery? Spice things up with some intriguing stories from true crime podcasts Crime Junkie and My Favorite Murder to hear about the craziest real-life stories of mysterious disappearances, kidnappings and murders. If these are a little too spooky for you, Welcome to Nightvale is podcast series set in fictional town of Nightvale, where the radio show covers alien abductions, mysterious sightings and conspiracies. Who knew a podcast could be as exciting as a sci-fi TV show! Thanks Aurora, Fiz and Kat for these cool recommendations!
Education and Learning
It's such a good time to pick up a new skill and learn about something new. There's no easier way to do it than plug in your earphones and listen! 99% Invisible is a podcast that discusses architecture, design and art. Science VS talks about all there is about science that's relevant to our daily lives - the latest research about the coronavirus, vaccines, our diets and more. Thanks Melanie for the recommendation!
And how can we forget - sustainability! Stay updated with the latest environment related news with Sustainababble, which explores serious issues such as natural disasters and climate politics with a splash of humour. For something more laid back and personal, tune in to our favourite green youtuber Christina Sedona's podcast, Intentional, to hear her thoughts about sustainable beauty and going zero waste.
Credit: Alex Gruber
Thank you to everyone who responded on Instagram sharing their favourite podcasts! If podcasts aren't already part of your life, it will be a great new way to learn or simply relax. This list is definitely non-exhaustive with all the podcasts out there. If you have a topic in mind, search it up on Parcast or Spotify and you will definitely find a podcast about it. Some of your favourite celebrities or youtubers might already have their own podcast show you never knew about. We hope that you will find a podcast that you just love tuning in to!